To delete your account, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your game account.
2. Go to the Settings or Account section in the main menu.
Look for the Account option and select Delete Account.
3. You'll be prompted to confirm the deletion of your account. Please carefully read the provided information and confirm if you're certain about proceeding.
Keep in mind that deleting your account will result in the loss of access to your progress, purchases, and any other data associated with your profile in the game.

If you need further assistance or have any questions, feel free to contact our support team via tranquilandiajohaliz@gmail.com . We'll be happy to guide you through the process or address any concerns you might have.
Thank you for playing and being a part of our community. Your privacy and satisfaction are important to us.

Best regards,

the labs team.

imagenes del proceso:

 Nuestra pantalla de inicio, donde puedes Registrarte o Loguearte.

                     Eres un nuevo jugador?

Selecciona tu nombre y el nombre de tu pet, luego presionas next.


Tienda de Monedas.

Buscar Partida.

Vestir Tu Pets.

Chat donde puede convensar con otro jugadores.

Leaderboard donde estan los tops de dicha seccion.

Abre tu regalo de misterio

Tienda de pets.

Tienda de accesorio

Tienda de arma.

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